Due to ife saving cancer treatments Libby is now immune compromised. Please be courteous and do not visit if you are ill.
This spring Libby is offering lessons for rider who can haul in their own horses. Starting in summer we will have horses available for lessons. Our horses are now available for ground lessons.
New this year she is offering lessons at your site if you are within 20 minutes of Shepard Stable and have a riding space suitable for lessons.
Libby specializes in teaching balanced riding with the use of proper body, hand, and voice cues and works with each rider/horse pair to develop a partnership. She offers riding lessons to beginners and intermediate riders. She also teaches you to better understand your horse, which improves your communication and your horse's response to your cues.
Shepard Stable has a 70X110 lesson arena and a 140X200 show size arena. We are located just SW of Brookston, in southern White County.
If you choose to haul in all horses must have proof of vaccination and you must bring your own water buckets. All horses must be safe and appropriate for the riders.
Libby has been riding for over fifty years. She is an English and western riding instuctor through the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA). She is also certified as a therapeutic riding instructor (CTRI) through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl).
Libby's training and experience guarantee that her focus is on teaching a safe and effective lesson, using CHA standards to measure progress. Her therapeutic riding experience guarantees she insists on safety first! She is also Parelli certified and loves to help horse owners learn to better communicate with their horses. She continues to expand her knowledge by attending clinics and workshops.
Libby teaches English and western riding, ground lesson skills, horsemanship, and trail riding. She works with each rider to improve their self confidence and riding skills and to reach their personal goals.
The minimum age for lessons is ten years old and the maximum weight to ride a stable horse is 200 pounds, including saddle.
Please contact Libby using the Contact Form for more information.
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Information on Riding Lessons
Lesson Fees
45 minute lesson $50
30 minute lesson $30
Ground lesson $50
always 45 minutes
Travel lesson $50
*plus mileage if over five miles one way. Minimum 45 minute lesson.